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PROGRAM időrendi tematikus

Az alábbiakban a lezajlott konferencia programja olvasható. A magyar előadásokat, a gyakorlatias bemutatókat, a beszélgetést és az angol előadásokat különböző színekkel jelöltük. A sarkokban található csillagok jelzik azokat az előadásokat és bemutatókat, melyekhez elérhetőek már a fóliák is. A többi programponthoz folyamatosan jelentetjük meg a letölthető prezentációkat, amint megérkeznek hozzánk.

"Database abstraction, no thanks!"

Az előadás és Lukas leírása magyarul is olvasható.

Now that I have your attention I am here to tell you that the author of the session title got it all wrong. There is this myth that database abstraction is only there to be able to switch to a different RDBMS. But it can do so much more for you. Like allow you to gracefully make use of all the new toys of the latest MySQL release without sacrificing compatibility with older MySQL versions. It even allows you to easily switch to new database extensions like mysqli and the upcoming pdo extension. Even if you don't plan to ever switch your RDBMS for a given project you may still have to support different RDBMS for different customers. Abstraction can save you from a having to invest in RDBMS specific training which given the radically different database extensions in PHP can cost quite a bundle. Using an abstraction layer allows you to walk into any project using your favourite RDBMS promising your customers to be able to switch to whatever they prefer if your choice doesn't pan out in the end. Finally being able to easily escape the grips of any specific database vendor with little effort is a large token to hold in your hands. Convinced? This session will teach you the ins and outs of database abstraction in PHP. Hostile audience welcome!

The slides are available in PDF format from the speaker's homepage.

Lukas Smith

photo about Lukas Smith Lukas Smith is a well known contributor to the PEAR project. Among other things he is known for the MDB and MDB2 database abstraction layers and his work on the LiveUser authentication and permission package. He is probably less know for his work on various RDF packages for PEAR. He is also an active contributor to the organization of the project itself being one of the founding members of the PEAR group. He earns his living as one of the co-owners of BackendMedia where he is the chief software architect. BackendMedia specializes in network related services like intranet applicatons based on PHP.


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